Pumps In Dancing With Elvis In Tickle Me
Keds Champions Won Two To One In
Dancing With Elvis Over Pumps In Tickle
Me.That means girls instead of dancing in
your favorite skirt,dress,shorts,gowns,jeans,
leather shorts,skirts,gowns,vinyl shorts,skirts,
gowns,swim suits,short-alls,overalls,silk gowns,
and slacks.Ditch your pumps for pretty Keds
Champions.You will be glad you did. You can
dance longer,you have a new way to turn on
your boyfriend,and you will look very pretty.
The number one Keds Champions were white
to dance with Elvis in Tickle me. Red came in
second but are very pretty to dance in to have
a good time.Did you noticed at least one lady
was wearing red top or shorts with her pretty
red Keds Champions?Yes blue was worn too
You can do the same to by matching outfits
with your red tennis shoes,white,blue,black'or
any color,and spark your relationship with
your boyfriend.If your boyfriend loves you he
will love you for doing this for him with love.
Now I am not telling you ladies to get rid of
your pumps,but to tease your boyfriend,with a
change from pumps to Keds Champions.You
will not tired your feet out,or twist you ankle
and still have a good time with your boyfriend
dancing with him.Look as pretty in pumps as
you do in your Keds Champions.It might make
him think twice,as you turn him on, in your cute
pretty Keds Champions.He will want you wear
your Keds Champions.If he says he can't dance,
Teach him to dance,and reward him with love
and kisses,for being your loving dance partner.
No man can refuse a loving invitation from a
pretty girl.So go have some fun.Let him know
Keds Champions are for men too.Prove it to
him,go to www.keds.com and you will find it
there Keds Champions for Men.I Kid You Not.